特邀Zhang Xiangdong、王召民教授来校作学术报告—— 大气•风云讲坛(2024年第29期)




主持人:管兆勇 教授

报告题目一:Arctic Cyclones and Its Driving Role in the Rapidly Changing Arctic Climate System

报告专家一:Professor Zhang Xiangdong


Dr. Xiangdong Zhang is a senior scientist at North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies and a research professor at the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University (NCSU). Prior to joining NCSU, he was a professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He has conducted integrated studies to improve systematic understanding of climate variability and changes in the Arctic and Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes. Specifically, his research has focused on the atmospheric circulation, storm track dynamics, atmosphere-sea ice-ocean-hydrology interactions, extreme climate, weather, and hydrology events, Arctic-lower latitude linkages, Arctic Ocean heat and freshwater cycle, and Arctic sea ice. His research results have been published at prestigious journals, which have contributed to various climate assessment reports, policy decision making, and reported by many media outlets.

Dr. Zhang has played various leadership roles in the climate community. He co-chaired the U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Arctic Change and Influences on Midlatitude Climate and Weather. He is now a member of the CliC-CLIVAR Northern Oceans Region Panel. Recently, he was invited by the International Arctic Science Committee to co-chair an international team working on planning research priorities in the field of the role of the Arctic in the global system. 


报告专家二:王召民 教授


王召民,教授,博士生导师,南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海),前沿研究中心,极地海洋组首席研究员。现为国际南大洋观测组织罗斯海区域专家组成员,国际南极科学研究委员会气候系统科学研究计划(The SCAR Scientific Research Programme - Near-term Variability and Prediction of the Antarctic Climate System)科学指导委员会执行委员。曾任英国南极局研究员,IPCC 第六次评估报告中国政府特聘评审专家,基金委共享航次第三次专家组成员,德国、瑞士、比利时等多国科学基金会评审专家,IUGG大会极地气候系统论坛首席召集人。长期从事海洋环流和极地气候系统研究。研究了南大洋环流变异机理、南极冰架-海洋环流相互作用、南极海冰快速减退机理和大西洋经向翻转环流突变及其影响等。近五年在Journal of Climate、Journal of Geophysical Research-Ocean、Journal of Physical Oceanography等国内外期刊发表相关论文37篇(其中第一或通信作者论文26篇)。主持973课题、基金委极地专项和面上项目、国家极地考察办公室创新平台项目。获加拿大气象与海洋学会最佳博士论文奖,日本海洋学会Hidaka奖。





2024. 10. 22