
龙山遥测论坛(第三十七期):特邀比利时根特大学Diego Miralles教授作报告


报告题目:Vegetation and Climate: How do biophysical feedbacks regulate climate extremes?

报告专家:Prof. Diego Miralles, Ghent University

报告时间:2024910  1430-1600



Abstract: This presentation will explore the complex feedbacks between land and atmosphere, particularly focusing on extreme events like droughts and heatwaves, which cause direct societal impacts, agricultural loss, forest mortality, and water scarcity. Key questions will be addressed: How do extreme meteorological conditions impact ecosystem evaporation? In what ways does vegetation regulate the atmospheric boundary layer, affecting the intensification and propagation of these extremes? How do these biophysical feedbacks contribute to the inflow of heat and moisture to downwind regions, potentially leading to the propagation of extreme events? What are the consequences of land feedbacks for human heat stress during extreme events? How can information on land conditions be used for the timely prediction of these events? The goal of this presentation is not to provide definitive answers to these questions, but rather to present new results from my team’s work that may help advance our collective understanding of land feedbacks and the role they play in climate.

Biography: Diego Miralles is currently a professor of Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab at Ghent University in Belgium. He is an internationally famous expert in the field of land-atmosphere interactions and extreme hydrological climate events. His team developed the global terrestrial evaporation Amsterdam model (GLEAM), whose evaporation and its components, soil moisture data are standard products for academic researches. In the past 10 years, Prof. Diego Miralles has published more than 160 academic papers, including more than 10 papers in high-impact journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Geosciences, and Nature Climate Change. In 2016, he received the Leonardo Medal from the European Geosciences Union; in 2019, he received the Tromp Medal from the European Meteorological Society; and in 2022, he was selected as a World Rising Star in Science, ranking first in Belgium. He serves as a reviewer for top academic journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Nature Geosciences, Science Advances, and the IPCC AR6. 






