
大物名师讲座(第265期) ——特邀美国普林斯顿大学梁文癸博士后作报告


报告题目:Exploring Regional Mechanisms of Precipitation Changes under Climate Change

报 告 人:梁文癸 博士后研究员

报告时间:2024年9月9日(周一) 10:30


主 持 人:陈璟怡 教授



Dr. Wengui Liang is currently a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University and NOAA GFDL working with Dr. Ming Zhao. In 2023, he earned his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from Stony Brook University under the supervision of Prof. Minghua Zhang. Before that, he completed his master’s and bachelor’s degrees at Peking University in 2017 and 2014, respectively, under the supervision of Prof. Xinyu Wen. His research interests include hydroclimate changes in the past/future, radiative effect of CO2/aerosol on precipitation, large-scale weather systems and associated extreme precipitation, model-observation comparison, etc.

Email address: wengui.liang@princeton.edu or wengui.liang@noaa.gov.



The water vapor content in the atmosphere will increase with warming by ~7%/K. However, global mean precipitation is projected to increase only 1-3%/K. Regional precipitation changes do not always align with the “Wet gets wetter, dry gets drier” theory. Using moisture budget analysis, we studied the mechanisms of precipitation changes under changing climate on regional scales in North America and East Asia. Firstly, we utilized multiple atmosphere-ocean-coupled models to explore mechanisms of precipitation changes in a realistic warming scenario. We found that changes in moisture gradient and winds convergence can largely modulate regional precipitation changes on seasonal mean and transient scales. Considering the significant SST bias in the atmosphere-ocean-coupled models, we then utilized atmosphere-only models and decomposed the full forcings into direct effect of CO2 or aerosols, global mean SST warming, SST warming patterns, etc. We found that precipitation generally increases with uniform SST warming in North America due to significant atmospheric moisture increases. Meanwhile, precipitation decreases significantly during summer in response to the direct radiative effect of CO2 increase in the region. Models are useful tools for studying the mechanisms of hydroclimate changes, however, verifying the mechanism identified in the models against observations remains challenging. I will discuss some ongoing research about comparing models with observations.





