

报告题目:Security and Privacy in Artificial Intelligence – A Snapshot of Our Study

报告人 : 余水教授

时  间: 202438日(星期五)1030-1130

地  点: 临江楼A101-102会议室

主持人 : 付章杰教授


 Security and privacy in AI are very hot topics in both academia and industry. In this talk, we will present the topics that we are currently doing. The research spectrum of our group includes machine unlearning, security and privacy in semantic communications and metaverse, privacy pricing, explainable security, and so on. We will briefly discuss each topic on the major challenges and possible directions. We hope to communicate and collaborate with interested people to work together, exploring the uncharted land of the promising fields.


余水博士系澳大利亚悉尼科技大学计算机学院的教授。他的研究兴趣包括网络空间安全、网络科学、大数据、数学建模等。余教授出版专著5本、编著2本、论文500余篇,谷歌h指数75现服务若干期刊的编委,包括IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials IEEE Internet of Things Journal。他曾担任IEEE通信学会的卓越讲师、现在为IEEE 计算机学会的卓越讲师,IEEE通信学会和IEEE车载技术学会的理事会成员,IEEE Fellow, 也曾担任国家自然科学基金委的优青以及重点项目的会评专家。


