龙山遥测论坛(第二十七期):特邀荷兰皇家气象研究所Ping Wang教授作学术报告


报告题目:FRESCO-S: A fast retrieval scheme for clouds from the oxygen absorptions for Sentinels (S5P/S5)

报告专家:Ping Wang教授



主 持 人:谢涛 教授/副院长

专家简介:Ping Wang是荷兰皇家气象研究所(KNMI)遥感卫星观测部门的高级科学家。她改进的云检测算法被GOME-2 L1B处理器、TROPOMI(S5P)和Sentinel-5项目所采用,并参与了EUMETSAT和ESA(如S5L2PP、CM-SAF)等机构的多个项目。她与中国科学院大气物理研究所(IAP/CAS)合作,担任龙计划第五期3D云效应项目的首席研究员。Ping Wang是被动遥感和主动遥感领域的专家,同时,她也是Aeolus DISC团队的成员,参与EarthCare (Cardinal)项目,致力于激光雷达气溶胶产品的研究。此外,Ping Wang在指导博士生和培养年轻科学家方面也起着重要的作用,促进青年学者在遥感和卫星观测领域的成长和发展。

报告摘要:FRESCO has been developed to retrieve cloud parameters from satellite spectrometers. FRESCO data are mainly used to correct cloud effects on trace gas retrievals, and to filter clouds in trace gas and aerosol retrievals. The FRESCO algorithm has been updated and implemented in the GOME-2 level 1 data processor (PPF) at EUMETSAT. The latest development is the FRESCO for Sentinels (FRESCO-S).There are significant changes in the latest implementation of FRESCO for S5P/S5. The main reasons for the changes are the high spectral resolution (narrower instrument spectral response function) and the variation of actual wavelength grid of S5P. FRESCO-S products include effective cloud fraction, cloud height (cloud pressure), scene albedo, scene pressure. These parameters can be retrieved from the O2 A and B bands, with only the O2 A-band currently used for TROPOMI. The retrieval algorithm has been changed from Levenberg-Marquardt to optimal estimation. The Directional Lambertian Equivalent Reflectance derived from TROPOMI has been implemented in FRESCO-S for TROPOMI (GOME-2 DLER for S5), instead of the GOME-2 LER (used in current TROPOMI processor). In the presentation we will show the FRESCO-S algorithm and some new developments.





