

报告题目Strategies for Publishing in High-Impact Journals

报告人: 武庆明教授 加拿大工程院院士

主持人: 付章杰




Abstract: Writing and publishing an impactful paper is an art as well as a science.  One may have ground-breaking research findings; but if the ideas, design, and outcomes are not transformed into a clear and compelling narrative, it is not going to have a significant impact. Research is all about creating the right impact, as Steve Jobs recited that “to put a dent in the universe.” Transforming cutting-edge findings into effective scientific writing is a rigorous and challenging process. Top-tier Journals, Conferences, or Publishers have a very high rejection rate. However, if we follow the basics of scientific writing and avoid pitfalls, we can save a lot of our precious time and get success early. This presentation outlines one of the successful approaches to structure the content of a manuscript as well as practical advice from experienced scholars to better your scientific writing.

报告人简介:武庆明(Q. M. Jonathan Wu教授,加拿大工程院院士,现任加拿大温莎大学电子工程系教授,博士生导师,计算机视觉和传感系统研究所主任。长期从事图像处理、模式识别与智能系统的教学与研究工作,先后主持完成加拿大国家科学与工程研究项目--NSERC、国际合作重大项目、加拿大国家重点基金项目、加拿大汽车电子和信息系统领域的Canada Research Chair,至今共培养博士、博士后50多人。现任/曾任国际杂志《IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》、《International Journal of Robotics and Automation》、《Neural Computing》、《IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics》与《IEEE Transaction on Circuit and Systems for Video Technology》副主编。对图像实时分割、图像压缩与特征提取、图像去噪与识别、三维重建、机器学习、深度学习等问题进行了深入研究,SCI 收录论文200余篇,IEEE Transactions 论文90 余篇,在图像处理、智能信息处理、机器学习与模式识别领域,取得多项重大研究成果。


