国际气象教育与科学研究协会(IAMES)“科学大讲堂”第二十二讲—特邀Toshio Yamagata教授作报告


报告题目:Standing on the Shoulders of Research Giants in the Indo-Pacific Climate Variability

时间:2022年5月11日 14:30

Zoom ID:329 593 0089 (Password: 123456)

主讲人:Toshio Yamagata 教授

主持人:袁潮霞 教授


Toshio Yamagata is affiliated with JAMSTEC as project principal scientist and NUIST as foreign academician after retiring from the University of Tokyo. He is known as a discoverer of the Indian Ocean Dipole, and has received many national/international honors for his achievements in the ocean and climate variability study. Those include AGU fellow, AMS fellow, JpGU fellow, foreign member of l’Academie de Marine, the Sverdrup Gold Medal, the Prince Albert I Gold Medal, the Jiangsu Friendship Award, the ISAJ Distinguished Mentor Award, the Medal with Purple Ribbon and the Order of the Sacred Treasure from the Emperor of Japan.