特邀荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学Han Dolman教授来我校作学术报告


报告题目:Climate change, the Paris agreement and the need to decarbonisesociety








Abstract:Climate change is well established and the impacts are being felt globally. In 2016 nations agreed to the Paris Agreement that sets out to establish the framework to keep global temperatures from rising above 2º, or even 1.5ºC. This firm boundary implies that there is a fixed limit to how much additional burden of greenhouse gasses the atmosphere can take. These allowable emissions could be used up in the next 20 years or so, making the need for decarbonisation of society urgent. Discussions of the background of the Paris protocol, the methodology to calculate allowable emissions, compare these with country promises and further discuss options for mitigation and achieving so-called negative emissions. These latter are needed to reach the Paris goals, but are poorly developed and have serious implications. The feasibility of a scheme to achieve the decarbonisation of society within the required time and Paris goals will be discussed aswell.

个人简介:Han Dolman,教授,国际著名生态水文学家,荷兰姆斯特丹自由大学地球科学系主任,我校荣誉教授。Dolman教授的研究领域包括生陆面-大气相互作用、生态系统碳循环的测量和建模、生态圈与大气的相互作用等。Dolman教授担任国际气象组织对地观测计划主席(Chairman of the Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate of GCOS and GTOC)、欧洲航空航天局碳观测卫星CarbonSat任务评估小组成员等。在国际重要学术期刊发表论文200多篇,包括Nature,Science,PNAS等;他引超过两万次,H指数为67(Google Scholar数据)。因其在生物地球科学研究方面的卓越贡献,2013年被欧洲地球物理联合会(EGU)授予VernadskyMedal。