大物名师讲座(第247期) ——特邀美国环保署David C. Wong博士作报告


报告题目: Recent Model Development and Research

报 告 人: David C. Wong博士

报告时间: 2024422日(周一)下午3:00

报告地点: 气象楼1114会议室           

主 持 人: 王建栋 副教授



David Wong has received his formal training in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science with an emphasis on high performance computing. He is one of the CMAQ model developers in the Office of Research & Development at the US Environmental Protection Agency. He was involved in the CMAQ development for 25 years and was the chief architect of the CMAQ parallelization, WRF-CMAQ coupled model, MAPS-CMAQ coupled model.


This talk consists of two parts. Part I describes the history of CMAQ model development and the need of having coupled models. All these are constructed on top of Advanced Air Quality Modeling System (AAQMS). At last, a brief introduction to the latest MPAS-CMAQ coupled model. Part II examines the impact of changing data precision on model performance and data compression.




